The CliMWaR Project is implemented by the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (IHP) and is support by the Flemish UNESCO Science Trust Fund (FUST).
In view of increased threats of climatic variability and change occurring in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, effective climate risk management is essential to strengthen the capacity to manage the water resources in these regions, through networking and by facilitating international and regional cooperation. This will be achieved by developing pilot experiences and engaging with regional partners in these regions to upscale these experiences to the regional level.
The overall objective of the CliMWaR project is to provide reliable climate services to monitor and forecast droughts and floods at the local level to improve national risk management strategies and to lower the impact of water-related hazards on vulnerable communities through improved communication and outreach in pilot regions of Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa, with particular attention to climate change vulnerabilities.
IHE-Delft IHE-01 Programming for Geospatial Hydrological Applications
UNESCO CRIDA0001 Introduction to Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA)
CRIDA CRIDA0001_ES Análisis de decisiones basadas en el riesgo climático (CRIDA)
UNESCO CRIDA0001_AR مقدمة في تحليل القرار المستنير بالمخاطر المناخية
UNESCO CRIDA0001 Introduction to Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA)
UNESCO CRIDA0001 Introduction à l'Analyse Décisionnelle basée sur le Risque Climatique (CRIDA)
CRIDA CRIDA0001 Introduction to Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA)
UNESCO CRIDA0001_EN Introduction to Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA)
UNESCO CRIDA0001_FR Introduction à l'Analyse Décisionnelle basée sur le Risque Climatique (CRIDA)
UNESCO CRIDA0001_UA Вступ до аналізу інформованих рішень щодо кліматичних ризиків (CRIDA)